Poslání CVNS
- examines the current state and development of the Czech non-profit sector and civil society,
- processes the results of scientific research and mediates it by means of publishing activities and organizing conferences and seminars,
- elaborates expert opinions, discussion papers and strategic proposals for public and political debate on the non-profit sector and civil society,
- performs not only research and analytical activity but also accepts contracts from public, business and non-profit institutions,
- involves graduate and postgraduate students in its research activities and researchers - beginners,
- offers study support and teaching programs to students and young researchers,
- cooperates with similar institutes in the Czech Republic as well as abroad.
The Center for Nonprofit Sector Research was established in 2003 as a response to the need for information on non-profit organizations. The Center was established and conducted jointly by the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the Masaryk University in Brno and the civic association Trialog (Brno Institute for Civil Society Development) during 2003-2006. Since 2012, CVNS has been the research center of Masaryk University, based at the Faculty of Economics and Administration.
The Center is moved to Masaryk University. Under the auspices of the Department of Public Economics , CVNS is established as an interdisciplinary research center bringing together researchers of four faculties of the Masaryk University: Faculty of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Studies.
The existing partnership with the ESF MU is expanded by three other faculties of MU (Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Studies); CVNS work involves experts from the new fields (history, sociology, political science, civil law and law theory); the activities of the Center enrich educational programs for postgraduate students.
After three years of successful work, founders decided to separate the CVNS. Founders' representatives, workers and collaborators of CVNS, together with other interested parties, set up a citizens' association, the Society for Non-Profit Sector Study (SSNS), which takes over the operation of CVNS instead of Trialog and builds its research institute. CVNS remains a joint workplace of SSNS and ESF MU.
Trialog concludes an agreement with the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University (ESF MU) in Brno to establish a joint workplace called the Center for Nonprofit Sector Research (CVNS).
Trialog (project leader Miroslav Pospíšil) starts work on setting up an analytical workplace that would constantly and systematically address the issue of the non-profit sector.